I never realized I had two full time jobs! Getting back to work was not as traumatic as I thought it would be. In fact it does seem like a welcomed break...until I get to work and realize how much I miss my husband and daughter. So, I am a busy busy woman. I work the strangest schedule, so I only see my daughter for four hours in the morning, and then for two before she passes out and goes to bed when I get off of work. But, that is ok. I am doing this for her.
Anyway, she is doing well. Her next surgery is scheduled for July 12th, so that is exciting. Not too far away now. She's growing so big and strong! I am excited to say that she decided she wanted to start shimmying around the house on her tummy...getting real close to crawling! She's still teething. Those two bottom teeth refuse to just come out already, so she's grumpy for her daddy most days.
I had to work on my very first Mother's Day, so my husband and daughter celebrated with me on Saturday instead. I got a brand new scooter! They got me a red scooter so I can put around town and get to work, all the while leaving husband with the car so he and Kaylee could go to the store if they need to! I got an awesome helmet, and I got some riding gloves and it is just awesome, but I've been so busy I've yet to take a picture of it. :(
I loved my Mom's Day gift. Anyway, my sister and my brother-in-law are home from Japan finally! Yay! So good to see a family reunited. I am so glad they are home safe and sound, for a little while anyway. I am not certain what my sister's plans are. Kaylee gets to meet her other auntie for the first time ever! This is going to be fun, and I will post pictures as soon as I can. Meantime, here is some cute for you all. I have to go to sleep now. :P
Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy! All day long! |
What Ronan? I am bounce. |
Colorado Rockies Rock! |
Rainbow snake thing. I love it! |
Rainbow snake thing moves! |
I wants the camera, precious. |
I tried to post video, but it would not let me and that sucks. Once I figure that out you will all get to see the glory that is my daughter shimmying across the floor - all to get my cell phone, so she could chew on it. *sigh* I love my kid.