Friday, November 12, 2010

The First Stage...Continued.

Sorry, it has been a while since I've written. It has been a busy couple of weeks for us!

So, our story so far: we had to reschedule Kaylee's NAM appointment and as of two weeks ago Kaylee had her NAM placed. Our first appointment was a meet and greet and then the molding of her mouth. Her dentist is a very nice woman, who is very talented with this kind of procedure. The fitting was the most horrible thing I have had to do with my daughter since she was in the NICU. I had to hold her down so they could put a mold with silly putty in it to take the impression of her mouth. She was not happy at all. I cried. But it is worth it in the end.

Here is the NAM itself:

Before her NAM was placed:

After NAM placed:

Week one:

So far, the doctor says thins are going well. The main goal of the NAM is to move her upper jaw into normal alignment. Once her gums have moved closer together she'll have her first surgery to close her lip, and maybe her gum line. Her first surgery won't happen until she is at least 5 months old probably. Until then my strong little girl is developing as normally as any other newborn would.

She started smiling this week, and she is sleeping for longer and longer stretches of time (for which both my husband and I are very thankful).

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