Saturday, July 14, 2012

Random Saturday.

It's been a rough couple of weeks, so we are having a random Saturday of fun. Daddy Monster has a day off of work and the Monster, tired from her crazy bout of running around, has gone down for a nap. So, I thought I would share our Saturday with all of you.

First, she got a covered turtle sandbox this weekend (5 bucks at a garage sale!) and got to enjoy that for a while, Daddy Monster tried to show her how to use a cup to start making sandcastles.
So, the sand goes in the cup?

Yep. I got it.

And now over the edge and out of the box.

I will dig now.

We named him Ted.

Then, she decided she wanted to swing, a lot. I mean, for an hour she was on that swing.
Higher mom!


Then, it was castle slide time.
That's right, I go head first, I ain't scuuuuurd.

Now I am going to climb up the slide.

Then, she got thirsty.
YUM! Juice!

Then it was more castle slide time.
I'll stick my tongue out at you again!


I love this little girl. <3

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