Monday, January 17, 2011

NAM Week 10. Curses! Postponed...Again!

Well, this makes the second time that Kaylee's nasal stent placement has been postponed. It is ok, there are things that are out of our control; the weather for example. On the day of her Week 10 visit it snowed. A lot. Unfortunately, we live on a snow route, and we only have off street parking. That means that every time it snows, the street plows come down our street and piles the snow up against our car. Nothing we can do about it. So, we got snowed in. Hurray (/sarcasm).

In any case, we are going to her Week 11 visit tomorrow. We are definitely going to get her stent put in tomorrow, and we are going to schedule her first surgery. I cannot, and words cannot express how anxious, sad, and terrified I feel. Anxious because let us face it: my daughter will be having surgery. Sad because I feel bad that she has to go through it. And terrified because she is not going to know what is going on, why she is going through it and I can imagine that she is going to feel terrified as well. I am terrified for my daughter.

All my feelings aside, Kaylee has been doing wonderfully. She is such a happy little girl. As far as I can tell she is developing normally. She likes to sit up (although she has yet to do it on her own), she grabs for anything and everything, and I think she is teething. She started biting last week, and the spot where a tooth is coming in was bleeding the other day. Baby Ora-gel has been a blessing lately. The only thing I worry about is her weight...she is a little - hefty.

I will, of course, be asking her pediatrician about it next week at her 4 month Well Baby visit. She gets her second round of shots and I can see what the doctor says about her. Which reminds me: Dr.K (pediatrician) has never seen a NAM before. Last visit he was quite intrigued by the appliance, and wondered if it was safe for her. He said he would do some research and find out. Of course, I am not worried about it one bit, the Cleft Palate Team at Children's recommended it - so it is safe in my book. All it is is plastic and tape, nothing too harmful; we've had absolutely no problems with it thus far. *shrug*

Anyway, that shall be all for now, I must go and get Kaylee's bag ready for tomorrow, and sleep too. So here is Kaylee, Week 10 of the NAM treatment. Enjoy!      Jess.

Nose is looking more and more normal.

The cleft space is slowly shrinking!

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