Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Playing the Waiting Game, Again.

I have decided that I don't enjoy waiting for surgery, one bit. I was thinking that I would be okay (I mean, we've gone through this before), but now that her surgery is two weeks away I am starting to panic again. When I start to panic - I start to make lists. Lists of everything. As of today, I have four lists going.

The first is a list of things to take to the hospital: our own pillows, toothbrushes, toys to distract a hungry baby, toys to distract an angry baby, a cooler with food and drink (because hospital food is pricey), a change of clothing, movies and some video games (they have xbox-es in the rooms), and the laptop for status updates and emails. That one is okay and taken care of.

The next list I have is for house cleaning this weekend: clean everything.

The next list is a list of groceries to buy this weekend: food.

And lastly, the list of places to hold a birthday party for a one year old in late September: I have no idea.

Seriously though, she is going to be one year old soon. Two months. It's insane. This year went by so quickly. Baby is growing so good. She is doing really amazing. I can't believe how much she has grown and changed. She can pull herself up and she walks along the furniture, she can stand on her own for about ten seconds at a time. She loves anything musical (yay for Disney movies), the Battlestar Galactica intro/theme song especially, and the StarTrek Voyager intro/theme song too; yes, I grew and gave birth to a geek like me!

She is still teething. A tooth broke through on top. It's cute. She might only have one front tooth, but we won't know yet. I've got to make her appointment for her first true dentist visit with Doc Harris in Denver. She already knows Kaylee from the NAM treatments. That will be fun.

Anyway, pics! I took some new ones! Enjoy your day peoples <3 JESS

These are cookies. I can haz. Why cookies no come out of bag?

Rollie ball, with lights. I press the kitty button a million times.

Ooooh...what does this button do?

Alright Mr. De Mille, I'm ready for my close up. *Ten points for the first to get the reference.