Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Palatoplasty - The Adventure; Pt. 1

August 3rd, 2011.

Check in: 10:45am. Surgery time: 12:45pm; in theory.

Reality:  Check in: 10:30am (because we actually got up on time and all that jazz). Surgery time: 3:45pm. Three hour delay in all. Something to do with partners and associates being behind. Not a problem, it's surgery for crying out loud; not a simple suture.

Our actual stay will be something like 2 days. Originally we though we would just stay the one night, and indeed we still might just depends on how Kaylee does with feeding. And speaking of feeding: we can still feed her with her bottle. That is the only thing that is allowed to go in her mouth past her teeth. Liquid diet and No-No's for two whole weeks. Wewt.

Basically, what they are doing is rebuilding the floor of her sinus cavity and then the muscles of the palate, then the roof of the mouth and finally uniting both sides of the uvula for the first time (I do hope that is a happy introduction).

Grant and I are tired, but holding on. Just finally relieved to get this part of her surgeries out of the way for now. The bone graft and everything else later will be in a few years so I have time to prepare and cope with that one; at least as much as I know how (not easy to be ok with your child going under the knife).

I know Kaylee is probably going to sleep for a while and so we shall sleep when she does. Anyway, that is the current state of affairs in what I call the "Quest for Successful Palatoplasty." That is the technical term for what is being done for the Monster today.

Aaaaaaaaannnd....without further ado: PRE-OP PICSPAM!!!

Sup, Mom?


OMG Bean bags rule!

Hanging in the play room before surgery.

Hi other child in the playroom, HI!

I didn't do it, I swear.

LOLOLOLOL Daddy is funny.


Nobody knows the trouble I seen...nobody knows my sorrow. All I need is my tin cup.

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