Friday, August 5, 2011

Palatoplasty: The Adventure; Pt. 5

Well, well, well. Guess who ate 5 whole ounces of formula this morning? That's right, Monster ate 5 ounces from her Habermann like a pro. She is on her way back to normal. Hopefully we can get another couple of feedings that successful and get home. I am more than certain she would be more than happy to eat at home. I will be able to get to the grocery store and buy a bunch of her favorite veggies to make a thin soup out of them. I might try mixing veggies to get some new flavors in her bottle. If I can feed her food through that bottle then we will be alright.

Anyway, I finally got around to not only taking, but saving post op pictures today, so...picspam, anyone?

Waking up...groggy.

Nevermind, going a back to sleep.
Well, the rest of the pictures are fail to load, so I will figure out what is going on with that later. Love you guys, <3 Jess, Grant and Monster.

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